Chapter 41: Down the rabbit hole.



Creature. Analysis completed.

nown as “Wendigo”, but also as “Cursed Cannibal” or “Owl”, this type of creature was introduced to those lands by the first ships that returned from the lands now known as “The Lost Continent”.

Wendigowak were once humans, but were corrupted through cannibalism or by immeasurable greed into wretched beasts. It is also said that some could propagate their corruption through their bites.
Now creatures of the night, they are associated with [Greed], [Envy] and also cannibalism.

They may appear as creatures with humanoid features, or as scrawny humans with blood-red eyes and torn-up lips
to trick their victims, but their true form is that of a wretched beast with the skull of a deer as a face, huge antlers, long and deformed furry limbs and dangerously sharp claws and teeth.

Their ability to easily crush bones with their maw and stone with their powerful arms, as well as their unsuspected speed and agility makes them truly formidable predators.

They are not well versed in magic and only have access to polymorphism, but some are able to chill the air around them.

The only way to truly kill them is by burning down their salted body, but normal means can momentarily put them down.
Their frozen heart is their weak point, as it will freeze them up for some time.

Quickly reading through the description while slowing down my perception of time with [Thought Processing], I tried to look for any flaws it could have, but this thing was quite a formidable foe as it looked.

I don’t have salt on me, but I can find that back at the camp, so it’s not a problem.

The creature, just realizing that it didn’t get me with that strike, was looking at me with it’s blood-red eyes, sizing me up.

I have to put it down.
This cavern is big enough, so I won’t have any problem fighting it here.

I’d prefer fighting it outside, but if the Analysis is accurate, and it should, my chance of simply outrunning it are small.

Taking out both my daggers, I started to circulate Mana through my whole body.

I did not put up my shields, as I learned with time that they were not as invincible as I thought them to be at all, and that it’d be a waste in this situation.

Probably aware of what I was doing, the “Wendigo”, as it was called, started to tense up.

As both of us ere waiting for the other one to move, I chose to take the initiative.

Surprised, the creature didn’t really think I’d lunge at it as it jumped forward as if to chase after me.
Sorry, but I’m not giving you the pleasure to chase me.

Taking the most out of the situation, I aimed at its feet passing over me and slashed at the tendon as the foul odour of decay invaded my nose.

Using momentum to help, my dagger cut deep into the skin of the beast, making it emit a loud and painful roar as it landed.
Blood sprayed as the “Wendigo” continued is course and landed with a pained roar


The creature did not gave me any time to rest as it attacked back nearly instantly, but I was able to act on time thanks to [Thought Processing] and jumped back to avoid the massive clawed fist that came to me.

It struck on the ground and the whole cavern shook from the impact.

Let’s not get hit by that.
I prepared myself for its next attack, so when it lunged at me, I was ready and avoided it, not without leaving a gash on its arm, spurting even more blood.


The combat continued on like that for a bit.

Even though I was not quicker than it, I could easily evade its attacks since I could see them coming in slow motion.
As I’m using daggers to fight, my main tactics rely on two things: inflicting small cuts to the enemy to numb it down through pain and blood-loss, or by attacking its vitals when the situation arise.

The creature was panting heavily, its fur soaked in its own blood all over its body.
Cuts and gashes could be seen everywhere and were heavily slowing it down, giving me a lot more leeway in avoiding its attacks.

Incapable of touching me since the start of the fight, it started to hammer its fist up and down in blatant anger, on the ground and the ceiling, adding to the cracks that were created through the fight.

But it was useless.
It just made its blood flow out of its body quicker.
The creature couldn’t move around anymore.
And as it was getting weaker and weaker, its punches did so too.
Visibly at its end, the Wendigo slowly stopped to punch the cave walls, and as its legs gave in under its own weight, it fell on the ground, lifeless, its eyes closed.

Never trying to escape, the creature’s life had ended…
Is what I’d like to say, but fro the look of what I read with Analysis, it will be able to rise again if I don’t burn down its salted body.

Looking around, I could see a short but pointy stalagmite laying on the ground near one of the cave’s walls, broken by our fight.

Sheathing my daggers, I picked it up, judged its sharpness, and deemed it suitable for what was to come.

Since I didn’t want any surprise, as I’ll have to go back to the camp to look for some salt, I’ll have to jam this in its heart.
Analysis said it was its weak-point, so it should be enough, right?

Approaching the corpse with precaution, I was not surprised when the Wendigo “went back” from the dead and tried to hit me in a last and futile effort to win, so I casually side-stepped to avoid the blow.

What I was surprised with, however, was the fact that [Sense Danger] kicked in.
Jumping backward in a hurry, I was surprised to see a whole chunk of the cave’s ceiling falling down, crashing on the ground.

[Sense Danger] ringing in my head nonstop, I turned back to flee from that hellhole, only to feel a dull pain as something hit the back of my head.
My vision blury, I could see Lisa-sensei hurriedly running towards me.
But suddenly, the ground began to feel shaky, and as I was loosing consciousness, I fell down in the dark.








A water drop came crashing into my face.


Where am I?
Who am I?

Naaa, that was a joke.

But I wonder what happened.

Looking around, I was surprised to see that I was in small and closed space.
I fell from the Wendigo’s cavern right?
Why isn’t there, like, a huge hole above me?
Was I rescued by Lisa-sensei?


Lisa-sensei wouldn’t tie me up like this.
Let’s have another discreet look around.

Oh, a spider just came in.


But there’s only one this time, and it is quite small.
The size of a cat maybe?

Of course, what I am tied up with is spider silk.

I’d like to say I’ll just tore it out through sheer force, but I’m not stupid.
Spider silk is far more resistant than steel, even back on Earth α.
Struggling like that would be useless, looking at how thick this silk was…

Instead, I chanted a spell to invoke a small flame and burned it down.
I tried to move, but I was painful all over my body.
One of my ribs, especially, seemed to be broken…

Well, I’m no doctor, but it’s painful as hell.

Standing up, I could see a bit better.

The spider, looking utterly revolted that its dinner had escaped so easily, retreated to a corner of the “room”, presenting no danger whatsoever to me.

Looking at me more closely, I could see that I still had my daggers.
Good luck I sheathed them just before the floor fell apart.

Heading out, I waved goodbye to the spider that would have to find another dinner today.

I passed through a shallow corridor, and was shocked to see where I ended up.

Passing though a large fissure at the end of the path, I ended up in a corridor with a paved floor and smooth walls.

Eeeh, did I end up in a secret cult’s secret lair or what?

The place was devoid of light or decoration and was cut out from the rock.


Why would they cut out the floor to make it looks like it was paved, but not putting any decoration at the same time?

Anyway, I’m the middle of a corridor now.
Where should I go?

Right it is!
Always go right!

Taking the right path, I walked for some time, but, before long, I could feel the faint smell of blood, and then I arrived in a large room.
It had stone rubble all over it, like the ceiling had recently collapsed.

Isn’t it just the place I fell to?!

But looking at the ceiling, I was surprised.
No such thing as a cave in could be seen…
In fact, the perfectly smooth ceiling was quite insulting to me.
Was I wrong?
Is it not the place?

But as I was questioning myself, the faint scent of blood made itself stronger, and at the same time a low howl could be heard.

Looking around more precisely, I finely found out the origin of the sound.

Buried under rubble, the large clawed hand of the Wendigo was emerging.
And from the look of the giant stalactite planted inside that pile of rock, the creature under it must have been impaled.

I won’t have to worry about it now.
But still, that thing is still alive?
Is there really no way of killing it except by burning it down and throwing some salt at it?
It’s not an episode of Supernatural, right?

As I was thinking about useless things, the Wendigo, as if feeling my presence, became a bit more active and the rubble above it moved a bit.
But still, it was useless and the creature remained trapped.

So, that’s one thing settled.

The real question.

If the Wendigo is here, and the rubble here is actually from its cave: where the Hell is the huge hole by which we’re supposed to have fell down from?

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20 thoughts on “Chapter 41: Down the rabbit hole.”

  1. Thanks for the chapter 😀

    Bonne année, meilleures voeux et essaie de ne pas abandonner tes résolutions avant la fin du mois.

    ” this type of creature was introduced to those lands by the first ships that returned from the lands now known as “The Lost Continent”.”
    Damn immigrants.
    Always causing problems on our lands.

    “as it will froze them up for some time.”
    -> freeze

    “This cavern is big enough, so I won’t have any problem fighting it here.”
    Well, you still need to worry about a cave-in.
    So try not be too rough.

    (a bit later)

    “It struck on the ground and the whole cavern shook from the impact.”
    You might want to stop him from doing that.

    (a bit later again)

    “it started to hammer its fist up and down in blatant anger, on the ground and the ceiling, adding to the cracks that were created through the fight.”
    Have you never heard of “Structural Integrity”?
    The whole cave will collapse on your face!

    (a bit later again again)

    ” I was surprised to see a whole chunks of the cave’s ceiling falling down”
    Told you.
    You are an idiot for facing a giant monster, whose main attack is punching hard, underground.
    And your sensei is even dumber since she didn’t even think of that despite having more experiences (I’m not talking about the level) than you.

    An underground evil lair, with spiders and self-repairing walls and ceilings.
    It’s probably not plot relevant.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Des résolutions? Quelles résolutions?
      Bonne année ^^
      He jus’ wan’ed to brin’ Democracy to our savage lands yano?
      Well, yeah, Aby was dumb on this one, but it’s not like she could do anything about the monster punching the walls x)
      (Or are you saying… she should have stopped it… using her body?
      Oh, I wanted that to sound lewd, but it doesn’t. I’m sad)
      Minor details ;p

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Personnellement, j’ai déjà perdu cinq kilos depuis la nouvelle année.
        Plus que un kilo et j’aurai retrouvé mon poids d’avant Noël :p
        Well, at least, since he is Canadian, he is probably sorry about what he did.
        She could have lured him outside.
        Also, no, it didn’t sound sexual at all.
        And I prefer it like that since Abby is, you know, underage.


        1. lol the irony. Didn’t a large fraction of people from Canada come from France in the first place? I doubt any of us have a drop of native American blood in us. The poor guy is just returning to his ancestral home.

          I always found it funny about people complaining about immigrants when we’re the ones who ‘export’ the most people in history. Which is how America, Australia and South Africa became ‘white controlled’. Kind of a double standard I feel. We’re immigrants, it’s ok, others, no it’s bad.


          1. The aboriginals in Australia nearly got genocide, we brought disease to, scammed the hell out of and encouraged war between native Americans. South Africans had segregation and have now started beating up white farmers or killing them since originally it was their land. I don’t think a single one of those can be called good for the natives initially, as technology improved sure better standard of life, but that could have happened through trade anyway. Judging from all that it seems immigration results in genocide and destruction of culture, I sure hope that’s not going to happen in modern times.


  2. Hey bonne année !! Et surtout Bonne Santé !!!
    “the skullf of a deer” plutôt skull là
    C’est moi ou on n’a pas fini de voir ce “wendigo”…
    ~Thx for the chap~


  3. Thanks for the chapter!
    I catched up with your story now and really hope that this doesn’t go down the Yuri path.. Well, looking forward to know where the hell she landed.


  4. aby can use that atom manipulation skill, or whatever the real name was, to make water, but not salt?
    NaCl is as easy to make as H2O, right?

    well, knowing aby she probably just forgot she can do that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. She doesn’t “make” water, she extract it from the air, and simply because she knows what a molecule of H2O “looks like”.
      If she wanted to use it in the same way for salt, she’d first have to:
      1) know which atoms compose it (that she knows)
      2) know what the molecule looks like and how the chemical bonds are arranger and be able to visualize it (that she does not)
      (it looks like that by the way
      3) find something that contains salt to exctract it from

      Liked by 2 people

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